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Do you have itchy ears?

27 November 2022

Itchy ears are very common and can become itchy for several reasons: 

  1. Wax build-up 
  2. Bacterial or Fungal infections. 
  3. Skin conditions: Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies or an allergy response. 
  4. Overcleaning ears with cotton bud can remove the protective wax which lubricates the ears, leaving them dry which can cause them to be itchy. 
  5. Do not put anything in your ears to scratch them this can lead to break in the skin which can cause infection. 

Treatment for itchy ears can be as easy as dropping some warm olive oil to the ear canal. 

If the itchiness is due to an infection this will need to be treated with medication from the GP. 

Skin conditions can also be treated but the GP with drops or topical ointments. 

Natural oil ear drops specially formulated for itchy ears are also found to be helpful, we recommend Miracell Pro Ears ear drops and Ginkgo Care Cream.

Both are available to purchase in our clinics. 


Anna - Senior Ear Nurse

If you have any concerns about your ears or hearing, please contact us.